Frequently Asked Questions

Stories for teachers

1 · What information and photos do I have to provide for "The Teacher of Our Dreams"?

As in all of Duendeo´s stories for teachers, we'll need the teacher's name, each child's name, the school's name and where it is (town, city or county, whichever you prefer), and the name they call their class ("The Owls", or "The Sunflowers", or simply "Grade 1", or "1A"). You can also rewrite the dedication that we've suggested in all our stories, if you'd prefer something else. If you don't write anything, we'll use the one that we've suggested on the form.

With regard to photos, we need you to send us: a photo of the teacher, a photo of each child, a photo of the school and a group photo.

  • Choose between "Gym class", "Physical education" or "P.E.", depending on how your little one's school refers to the time for exercise.
  • Also choose whether you prefer to talk about a field trip, and which one (zoo, park, museum, etc.), or about a visitor to the school during the school year (Santa, parents talking about professions, storyteller, musician, grandparents). Choose one of the options on our form, and this information will appear on a page of the story.
  • Include an occasion that the children have celebrated. We don't care which: Halloween, Christmas, Easter, Valentine's Day, Earth Day... you decide.
  • We'll mention how many things they've learned on one of the pages. So it's more realistic, we ask you to tell us two of them. Two things that they've worked on in class this year.

As in all our stories, you can buy additional space, to include photos taken over the school year. This is an option chosen by many groups, because it turns the story into a great photo album. This is only if you would like to have more photos than just the ones of the children. Field trips, games, activities, parties, visits, Christmas... whatever you want. You can buy space for 12 additional photos (we'll add 8 pages to the story), 24 additional photos (we'll add 16 pages) or 36 additional photos (in this case we'll add 24 pages).

You only pay for the cost of adding these additional pages if you buy the books. You can still include them in the free PDF for free. 

  • 12 additional photos.
  • 24 additional photos.
  • 36 additional photos.

We'd like to remind you that if you want to see the whole story for the teacher, called "The Teacher of Our Dreams", you can do so in the link provided. You can choose "with" and "without" additional photos, to see how the story will look in both cases. Underneath the story, you'll see the button "Order your story" where you can open the order form and start filling in your details.

Thank you for consulting our Frequently Asked Questions!

2 · What information and photos do I have to provide for "The Perfect Teacher"?

As in all the stories for teachers available at, we'll need the teacher's name, each child's name, the school's name and where it is (town, city or county, whichever you prefer), and the name they call their class ("The Owls", or "The Sunflowers", or simply "Grade 1" or "1A"). You can also rewrite the dedication that we've suggested in all our stories, if you'd prefer something else.

With regard to photos, we need: a photo of the teacher, of each child, of the school and a group photo.

  • The names of two stories that they've read during the school year. If you don't have a clue, put the names of two classic stories, no problem at all.

As in all our stories, you can buy additional space, to include photos taken over the school year. This is an option chosen by many groups, because it turns the story into a great photo album. This is only if you would like to have more photos than just the ones of the children. Field trips, games, activities, parties, visits, Christmas... whatever you want. You can buy space for 12 additional photos (we'll add 8 pages to the story), 24 additional photos (we'll add 16 pages) or 36 additional photos (in this case we'll add 24 pages).

You only pay for the cost of adding these additional pages if you buy the books. You can still include them in the free PDF for free. 

  • 12 additional photos.
  • 24 additional photos.
  • 36 additional photos.

We'd like to remind you that if you want to see the whole story for the teacher, called "The Perfect Teacher" you can do so in the link provided. You can choose "with" and "without" additional photos, to see how the story will look in both cases. Underneath the story, you'll see the button "Order your story" where you can open the order form and start filling in your details.

Thank you for consulting our Frequently Asked Questions!

3 · How many photos will you need?

The required photos are, in every case of stories for teachers:

  • One of each child
  • One of the teacher
  • One of the group
  • One of the school (it can be the building, or the classroom, whatever is easiest)

In the other stories for classes ("Best Friends", "The Children Who Beat the Bad Feelings", "Paddy the Pirate", "The Colors", "Wild Animals"...) a photo of the group is not necessary, as we create a collage ourselves.

In all three of the stories for teachers (exclusively in them), you also have the option to buy additional space for photos. And there you can add whatever you like, activities, field trips, group photos... whatever you want. You can buy space for 12, 24, or 36 additional photos. 

4 · What information and photos do I have to provide for "The Teacher Who Was at a Loss for Words"?


Like all Duendeo´s stories for teachers, we'll need the teacher's name, each child's name, the school's name and where it is (town, city or county, whichever you prefer). We'll also need the name you call your class ("The Owls", or "The Sunflowers", or simply "Grade 1" or "1A"). You can also rewrite the dedication that we've suggested in all our stories.

With regard to photos, we need: a photo of the teacher, of each child, of the school and a group photo.

  • Name of the school's principal or a department head. Or another teacher who could be in the principal's office. Their first name, as the children refer to him or her. With no last name or a photo. He/she will be a secondary character who will appear in a part of the story!
  • The name of another teacher. Who's not their teacher but is in another classroom, but one that the children will have heard of, obviously. The children will appear in his/her classroom at one point of the story.
  • We'll also ask for four areas in the school. It's simple, and it's not very, very important, but we don't want to mess up by talking about the cafeteria, when maybe there isn't a cafeteria in your school, or the yard, when the children call it "the playground"... We'd rather you tell us yourself.

As in all our stories, you can buy additional space, to include photos taken over the school year. This is an option chosen by many groups, because it turns the story into a great photo album. This is only if you would like to have more photos than just the ones of the children. Field trips, games, activities, parties, visits, Christmas... whatever you want. You can buy space for 12 additional photos (we'll add 8 pages to the story), 24 additional photos (we'll add 16 pages) or 36 additional photos (in this case we'll add 24 pages).

You only pay for the cost of adding these additional pages if you buy the books. You can still include them in the free PDF for free. 

  • 12 additional photos.
  • 24 additional photos.
  • 36 additional photos.

We'd like to remind you that if you want to see the whole story for the teacher, called "The Teacher Who Was at a Loss for Words" you can do so in the link provided. You can choose "with" and "without" additional photos, to see how the story will look in both cases. Underneath the story, you'll see the button "Order your story" where you can open the order form and start filling in your details.

Thank you for consulting our Frequently Asked Questions!

5 · What if I don't have a group photo of everyone?

You have three options. Two of them within the same price and same story, and the last one, in stories that don't need this picture:

Same story:

  • The first option, get one. Ask the teacher to take one, or ask the parents at home time... go on! It'll make the story a nicer souvenir for everyone.
  • Secondly, if you have no other option because there is NO group photo, for more hard-working customers, you can send us a collage. It's important that the group collage have the layout of a normal photo, horizontal (landscape) and rectangular.
  • If you don't like either of these options, you can add another photo of the school. It's not ideal, but it can work.

Choose another story:

  • In our other end-of-year stories, "Best Friends" and "The Children Who Beat the Bad Feelings", or in our story "Paddy the Pirate", no group photo is needed, as we make one ourselves as part of a collage on the last page. Maybe you'd prefer one of these stories.

Call us if you're still not sure! That's everything. Thank you!

6 · Can the story have two main characters? Or a man?

Yes! No problem!

Let's us quickly sum it up for you: We're going to ask you about it on the form. You have to indicate that the main characters are two teachers, or three, and from there we get down to work and we'll do everything in the plural. In this case you'll have to have a photograph (just ONE!) showing the two of them, or the three of them, together. It can also be a framed collage.

If you'd prefer to have the teacher be the main character, but you want the teacher's assistant or any other teacher to also appear in the story with their photo, then include them as if they were just another child.

Of course we adapt the gender of our stories, whether the teacher is a man or a woman.

7 · Can we make the children appear in a certain order?

The children come out in the order which you enter them on the form on the website. Once you've seen the draft, if you want, you can "Edit the story" and change the order yourself in the form, and then send the draft back to us.

So yes, you can decide, if you want, which children go together and which not (e.g. by separating those with the same name on different pages).

Our advice is to place them randomly, or in alphabetical order, so you can save yourself a lot of hassle. Because, we think it doesn't make any difference, they're all classmates!... But that's just our opinion. If you want to decide the order, you can do so no problem.

Thank you for consulting our Frequently Asked Questions!


8 · How many children fit in the story?

Our three stories for teachers are made for groups of 13-30 children. In addition to the teacher, obviously.

If you have a smaller group, you can fill the form for 14, or 16, or 18... and put each child twice (name and photo, the photo can be different), so they appear twice... This is very important: This option of duplicating the children, with a couple of photos of each one, does not work in one of our stories: The Teacher of Our Dreams. It turns out that in this story, the children are asleep, and the teacher is freeing them from a curse... It wouldn't make sense for them to be woken up twice!

Another option is that you finish it with more characters. For example, if you have 12 children, you can put a number 13 with a pet, a cuddly toy, another teacher, a trainee, an adult person in the school that they are fond of... They'll participate in the story as another character.

If you'd rather talk about it, or if you have a group which is bigger than 30, write to us or call us. We'll do everything we can to adapt to your needs.

Thank you!

9 · We want to include another teacher as an additional character... Can we?

Of course you can, no problem. You must do it like so:

TRICK 1, AS ANOTHER MAIN CHARACTER: When you go to upload the main character-teacher, you'll see that we ask you if there are 1, 2 or 3 of them. You can add up to 3 teachers (with one photo of the three together) and we'll adapt the story, no problem. You'll need one photo of them both, or a collage.

TRICK 2, AS ANOTHER CHILD: Maybe you'd prefer this, a teacher who participates as a character in the story, as if he or she were another child. When we ask you for the number of children in the form, include one more than the actual total. If there are 25, put 26. This way, the form will ask you for photos of 26 children, and you'll also be able to include the photo of this teacher with their name.

The teacher you have added as a student will appear integrated into the story. As you know, the cost of the story is not altered by the number of characters, so you'll have solved the issue without any problem.

Thank you for consulting our Frequently Asked Questions!

10 · What if two children have the same name?

You can write them in three different ways:

  • First names and nothing else. When accompanied by a photo, it is clear who we are talking about, so there is no difference with the rest of their classmates. This is the way we like best at Duendeo. If you like, don't put them one after the other, so that they are not on the same page.
  • The first name and the initial of their last name. For example, Henry P. and Henry A.
  • First names and last names. We like this less, it fits worse in the story and it looks really different from the others, but if it's what you prefer, we'll do it. You have 15 characters max. per child.

In any case, try to put the two children with the same name on sufficiently far apart pages of the story. Include one when you start filling in the form, and the other when you're finishing it.

Thank you!

11 · Can we include a pet in the story?

Sure can! You only have to add that ONE MORE child is participating on the form. In other words, if your group has 23 children, and you want the nursery's pet bunny, or the parrot, or a character (with a photo) from Peppa Pig to appear... then put 24 children in the group. When the time comes, we'll ask you for 24 photos.

They'll participate as if they were another kid in the story. It will be fun to see them framed as one of the class.

12 · Do I give you the first names of the children? Or names and last names?

First names work best, they look much nicer. Also, you have a 15-character limit on names, so some long names with long last names might not fit.

If there are two children with the same name, you can put the initial or the last name... or nothing. It looks great when you put them on separate pages with their first name and that's it, even if they have the same name. Note that when you put their photo, you always know which child you are talking about.

Let's continue!

13 · Can we make the same story again, but with another teacher as the main character?

Of course! No problem! This is one of the wonders of our new website, which we are very proud of... When you have finished the story (with the draft accepted), click on DUPLICATE. You'll be able to change the photo and name of the teacher, and we'll use everything else again so that you don't have to re-upload the photos. In fact, with this button you can ask us to create another story with the same photos, or the same story with more or fewer children... a treasure of a tool!


14 · Do you charge more for each participating child?

No, not at all. Our stories for teachers are free of charge in their digital format, regardless of how many children participate (between 13 and 30). And the prices for the physical books are fixed, regardless of the number of children that have participated. It depends on the format.

ut it's never more or less expensive based on the number of children.

The price does vary if you decide to add additional photos (of activities, field trips, etc.) in the stories for teachers, which have this option for blocks of 12, 24, and 36 photos. 

Login and try to order your first story. The digital format is free of charge!

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CREATRICHE SL within the framework of the ICEX Next Program, has had the support of ICEX and with the co-financing of the European FEDER fund. The purpose of this support is to contribute to the international development of the company and its environment.

Copyright © Duendeo © Regalacuento - CREATRICHE SL CIF: B86784923

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